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Fibonacci Galactic Trader 4.00 R90 Are You Ready to Be a Jedi? The Fibonacci galactic trend is the most powerful trading strategy in existence. But it's also confusing for traders new to it - they seem to have difficulty executing the trade with the required patience. This blog post will show you how to use Fibonacci Trading without being scared by its complexity or pitfalls, so that you can have better success over time. The Fibonacci Method is used in many trading strategies, including the powerful trend-following triangle known as the Fibonacci sequence. This blog post will show you how to use Fibonacci Trading without being scared by its complexity or pitfalls, so that you can have better success over time. Here's How to Profit the Most by Using the Fibonacci Sequence to Trade by Scott Meadows @PlanetScottMeadows on "I'll tell you right now," said Uncle Ben, "I know how to succeed in this world... But for that knowledge, I'll need your help. It's a difficult business, success. It's an abstract thing. You can't touch it. You can't taste it... But there is one way to know whether you're getting closer to success... Do you want to know what it is? Don't worry about failure; you only have to be right once." He paused for a moment, then continued: "You see, if there was one secret of success, I would've kept it myself. But I can tell you this: It will never be the same again." -- from "Spider-Man" 1 – By Stan Lee – artists Steve Ditko – ©1962 – Renewed 1990 – Marvel Worldwide, Inc. Did you realize that the price of a stock can be predicted by a mysterious formula? I didn't until I read The Power of the Five Percent, a best-selling book written by multimillionaire trader Martin Pring in 1978. The Power of the Five Percent is about how to see into the future and accurately predict future prices. It's called "the law of averages" in physics. It works like this: If you know only one thing about physics, remember this: nature abhors a vacuum. This means that if you can find one thing in nature with an exact mathematical relationship to everything else, nature will find other things to make up for it (to "fill in the blanks"). As an experiment, I took the S&P 500 and added up all the numbers in column A (from 1 to 500) and I added up all the numbers in column B (from 1 to 500). Then, I divided column A by column B. The result was 0.61832. It looked pretty random until I found out how it worked. This number is called "phi," also known as "golden ratio" or "divine proportion." In nature, everything from a seashell's spiral to a tree's branches have this relationship. This is just one example of what Pring calls a significant figure in nature: .61832…. cfa1e77820

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