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The Quartus II Web Edition is a downloadable, compact version of the Quartus II software suite. The Web Edition will run on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. This edition is for use in an office or lab environment where you have administrative rights over the machine that you are using. This blog post will introduce readers to what Quartus II can do for them in an office environment versus what they would be able to do with the free software installed on their own personal laptops and computers at home.##Day 2: Humor Please provide a title and brief introduction for your piece of writing: My Week With My Cat: A Memoir. Who is your intended audience? Who is this piece meant for? ##Day 3: Language Arts Please provide a title and brief introduction for your piece of writing: My Week With My Cat: A Memoir. Who is your intended audience? Who is this piece meant for? The target audience for this writing would be those who enjoy reading memoirs and biographies of how these people became successful and what they did to get there. Now that you have developed your idea, it is time to write your first draft. No worries if the outcome of the writing is not perfect! As you are writing, use quotation marks to express that words are being spoken or thoughts are being spoken. You will need these everyday in your everyday life. If you do not know how to use this type of punctuation in sentences, go to the next day and revisit this exercise. Write out everything in your chapter. Be sure to use good grammar structure with good transitions between ideas in your chapter. The next day write the first draft of your chapter. You do not have to spend too many hours on this, you can simply create the outline of the chapter and then write it out. Have someone read your essay to you and ask them for feedback on how to improve it. There are no wrong answers! The next day write another revision of your chapter that is at least one or two pages long. Ask one or two people that you trust to review it. Again, there are no wrong answers! On the fourth day, reread everything that you wrote so far in this exercise and go through each paragraph looking for misspellings, grammatical errors, awkward transitions, confusing language, etc. Ask another peer to read your essay and provide them with the grammar checklist to look for errors that you missed. Have your reader read it out loud so they can find awkward sentences and phrases in your writing. The next day, rewrite the whole chapter. On the fifth day, reread everything and ask two or three more people to review it and provide feedback. Read this writing aloud and see if you sound like a professional or if there are parts that should be changed or should be added to make it better. cfa1e77820